
Welcome x BBQ. Munich Kyiv Queer celebrates 10 years of twin cityship

02.09.2022 | cb — No comments

For ten years now we try to improve the Human Rights’ situation of LGBTIQ* people in Ukraine based on the twin cityship between Kyiv and Munich. Six months ago we had to re-invent ourselves as a helping organisation.

This is the time to say: Thank you for your support!

We would like to invite you as hosts, guests from Ukraine, friends, supporters and members of Munich’s LGBTIQ* community. It is on: Saturday, September 24th, 4 to 10 pm, in the garden of Munich’s Versöhnungskirche, Hugo-Wolf-Straße 18. Please rsvp at

Welcome x BBQ! Graphics: Stas Mishchenko.

The evening’s programme is outstandingly beautiful: We proudly present the big voices of Nikita Volkov, Viriena and Irina Song. On the turntables: DJane Nastya Zasobina. We also have the honour to offer a drag show by Merritt Ocracy.

Happy to have you

Bring your own meat/salad/desserts, drinks are free. We’d appreciate to have a nice mixture of Bavarian and Ukrainian dishes. You may add the dish you bring in this list so we are able to plan a bit. We’re really looking forward to seeing you!

Stand with Ukraine! Slava Ukraini!

When: Saturday, 24th of September, 4 to 10 pm
Where: Versöhnungskirche, Hugo-Wolf-Straße 18, Munich
Admission: free drinks, bring your own food
Organized by: Munich Kyiv Queer, Munich Queer Homes

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