What we do

Together we are strong. Munich, Kyiv, Odesa, Kharkiv, Kherson, Zaporizhzhia – always supported by Munich Kyiv Queer – do many promising things. According to the “Declaration of Cooperation” between the cities’ LGBTIQ*-communities they fall into the following six categories:

Help for war victims and refugees: We collect donations for queer people in need, who have lost their jobs, home, family and friends, need medical help and/or are on the run. We also take care of refugees from Ukraine who come to Germany.

Exchange of information and experiences: Both sides maintain contact with their partners in Munich and Ukraine via Munich Kyiv Queer. The groups and organisations of both communities discuss their work and the developments in their countries: Topics include the war, cultural events, HIV-prevention, psychological counselling, self-help groups, political campaigns, lobbying and PR.

Continuing Education: In order to learn from one another, we plan special workshops, study trips and internships in the areas described above. In process, each side benefits from the experiences of the other. Our target groups are volunteer and professional activists, counsellors, social workers, HIV-prevention experts, cultural and project managers, the press etc.

Culture: People might exchange their knowledge on a professional basis. But it is even more important to know and to appreciate each other. Cultural events like exhibitions, lectures, films, concerts and more help to open ourselves to the lives of the unknown others.

Public Relations: We regularly inform LGBTIQ* and general press of both countries about our ongoing campaigns and actions. We want them to know about the Human Rights’ situation in Ukraine, especially in war times, and put pressure on officials in both countries.

Pride Cooperation: KyivPride and Munich Pride (CSD) have a special relationship. Both partners share information, experience and know-how. Every year, delegations from both cities join their friends’ partner Pride; also they set up their own cultural programm for the PrideWeeks and the coming year. Munich’s City Council supports the Kyiv-related work of Munich Pride financially.

Our Projects

When Munich Kyiv Queer was set up, our work was originally aimed at simply mediating projects between the two cities. However, over the years we have initiated numerous activities and projects of our own, and our work has become increasingly professional. Through political action and cultural projects, we raise awareness for our causes, campaign for public empathy, and demand acceptance and equal rights for all. The professional exchange between LGBTIQ* activists in Ukraine and Germany allows for a transfer of knowledge between the two countries and fosters an international community. Since the beginning of Russia‘s full scale war, Munich Kyiv Queer has reinvented itself as an aid organisation. We raise funds for Ukrainian LGBTIQ* in need and support refugees.


We all just want to live as we are.
That is not the norm everywhere.
Especially not in war times.

We need support for our planned projects.
Anyone who can help and would like to get involved in
creating a world without hatred and discrimination
can participate. Anyone who can give financial support,
is also very welcome. Our projects cost money – but usually
even a small donation has a big impact.
Thank you so much!

Donations for general purposes

Schwules Kommunikations- und Kulturzentrum München Sub e.V.
IBAN: DE06 7015 0000­ 0013 1233 85

Donations for queer victims of the war

Help Ukrainian LGBTIQ*-persons: www.paypal.me/ConradBreyer

Help Ukrainian LGBTIQ*-organisations: https://www.altruja.de/help-ukraine

Find more information here: www.MunichKyivQueer.org/donations

We are not alone

The Ukraine-related work of Munich’s LGBTIQ*-community is supported by the Munich City Council. Munich Kyiv Queer cooperates with the Koordinierungsstelle LGBTIQ*, which is kind of a municipal centre for the non-discrimination of LGBTIQ*-lifestyles. And we talk to the International Office of the City of Munich.

In Kyiv, the contact group Munich Kyiv Queer cooperates with the German Embassy, the Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GIZ (German Society for International Cooperation), the Goethe-Institut and, last but not least, the Heinrich Böll Foundation. Our contact base is growing continuously.