Spotting flats?

The war in Ukraine continues. For many queer refugees a return is not possible. They want to stay and have to look for permanent accommodation now.

Munich Kyiv Queer has therefore initiated the project “Die Wohn-Spione” (spying for flats) and continues to help with the search for housing, which – as you know – is not easy in Munich.

We support refugees with communication, renting and of course with bureaucracy.

We would love to hear from you when a flat becomes available somewhere in the greater Munich area. Prick up your ears if someone at work, at sports or in the neighbourhood talks about such opportunity.

This project is supported by Munich’s “Rainbow Foundation”, for which we would like to express our sincere thanks.

Queer people have a hard time in many places in the world. Most LGBTIQ* have experienced discrimination in their everyday lives, including outright violence. Imagine the situation in the midst of war!

Why we help

That is why queer refugees are particularly vulnerable. Many have been traumatised in their countries of origin due to homo- and transphobia and experience re-traumatisation here in Germany, for example, when they meet intolerant people in their mass accommodation.

We want to offer our friends a safe home where they feel comfortable and can live without fear.

Dr. Sibylle von Tiedemann, Munich Kyiv Queer
+49 163 1900 208 (write an SMS or send a WhatsApp message)