
Ukrainian LGBT community will declare its support of unity and address demands to the authorities on Pride

Ukraine is united and we are a part of it! – From 30th of June until 6th of July Ukraine will hold events of the International LGBT Forum Festival KyivPride2014. They will unite not only lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people, but also all people of good will who share...

Solidarity in the crisis – Let’s go to Kiev Pride!

This year in Kiev, Munich’s partner city the KyivPride event is planned to happen again. In the face of the crisis of state, many people have been planning locally for months for the Pride Week and March of Equality. At least the Pride Week with its wide cultural programme should...

Solidarity during the crisis: Munich Kiev Queer goes on

The news from Ukraine is overwhelming. No one can say with any degree of certainty how things will develop in Ukraine in the next hours let alone the next days or months. The people of Ukraine, especially those in the south and east of the country, have their hands full...

Start of the next phase of the campaign to counter homophobia

This week started the new phase of the information campaign implemented by UPO Gay Alliance Ukraine within the project “Promotion of basic human rights and freedoms and countering homophobia through increasing public awareness”. Let us recall that the project is being carried out jointly with the Embassy of the Netherlands...

There will be no conversation on prohibition of discrimination against LGBT people at the first stage of the Visa Regime Liberalization

On March 26th a meeting of European Commission with the Ukrainian civil society representatives took place in Kyiv. As reported by the activists presented at the meeting, on behalf of the European Commission a speech was made by Mr. Stefano Manservisi, Director-General of Directorate-General Home Affairs. He voiced the official...

Gay Forum: Government’s program is friendly to LGBT

Kiev, 7th of March 2014 – According to the activity program of the new government of Ukraine, presented on 27th of February, they have determined the realization of all needed conditions for the early achievement of a visa-free regime with the European Union countries for Ukrainian citizens as new priority....

REPORT FROM KIEV – „LOVE against Propaganda“

“I believe in the goodness of humanity. But I believe humanity needs a lot of help.” (Naomi Lawrence) It was obvious that we were going to need to improvise. A Skype-broadcast between Kiev and Munich is not something we do every day. But for Stas’ computer to bite the dust...

Gay Propaganda – an exhibition of Naomi Lawrence hopes to reduce prejudice against homosexuals in Ukraine

Munich/Kiev, 29th of January 2014 – We all know and love them: Batman and Vicky the Viking, Chip ’n’ Dale, Bolek and Lolek. They were and are heroes of our childhood. In her exhibition „Gay Propaganda – How gay is Batman?“ the Munich artist Naomi Lawrence puts well-known comic and...

Euro Revolution in Ukraine: Role and participation of LGBT

Kyiv, 18th of December 2013 Statement of LGBT and LGBT-friendly organizations of Ukraine regarding the socio-political situation caused by the failure of the Ukrainian authorities to sign the Association Agreement between Ukraine and EU in November 2013. Freedom is worth fighting for! 1. LGBT – lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender...

Stanislav Mishchenko presents his second Lomo-exhibition in Munich called “K-olours”

Munich, 14th of December 2013 – You see nothing more than silhouettes. But these are bright – filled with the colours of Kiev: with graffiti, with traffic signs, flowers, leaves, buildings and light. The Kiev based LGBT-activist Stanislav Mishchenko has once again portrayed couples of the lesbian, gay, bisexual and...