#FundReise to Kyiv
First, it was just an idea, but then it took shape. Sibylle, co-founder of Munich Kyiv Queer, will to travel to our twin city Kyiv.
To a place, as she says, where no one wants to be right now. To a war zone. She is going because she wants to be there. With her friends, in the country she loves, in the city she has grown so fond of.

And she cares a lot about how to do this. Sibylle has prepared herself well, exchanged ideas with experts and friends, who appreciate her travel plans. She will regularly blog about her personal observations.
Human Rights forever
The PhD Slavicist and historian has spent many years campaigning for Human Rights of LGBTIQ* people in Ukraine. As a research assistant for the NS Documentation Centre in Munich, she interviewed former Ostarbeiters who were deported to Munich for forced labour during the Nazi era. In 2018, Sibylle co-edited the memorial book for Munich’s victims of the “euthanasia” murders for the NS Documentation Centre and the district of Upper Bavaria. It was a milestone in the State’s commitment towards this forgotten group of Nazi tyranny.
Donations for the victims of the war
In Kyiv, she meets long-standing cooperation partners of the LGBTIQ* community, but also has appointments with the German Embassy, the Heinrich Böll Foundation and the Arbeiter Samariter Bund.
And of course, Sibylle collects donations – for Munich Kyiv Queer as well as the “Bridge for Kiev“, an association that supports people in need in Ukraine, especially children and big families. 18,000 euros are the target.
She says: “I can’t stand watching the misery from afar anymore, sending a heartfelt message via Facebook here, posting a #StandwithUkraine there, transferring money from time to time.”
This is where we publish Sibylie’s blogs. Write if you have any questions.
#FundReise #MunichKyivLove #18.000Euro
Sibylle’s blogs

#FundReise Day 26 – Odesa, here we go again
My first trip to Odesa was quite short. I still have things to do in the city: meeting friends, research, coming to terms with my war experiences. Read blog

#FundReise Day 23 – Kharkiv
I did not mention much about my travel plans to Kharkiv at home. Now that I am safe again, I can tell: I spent Christmas with friends in Kharkiv. A regular rocket from Russia takes only 40 seconds to get here. Read blog

#FundReise Day 21 – Bye Kyiv
I will stay a little bit longer. But before I set off for Kharkiv, I need to meet some more people I know and say goodbye to others who have accompanied mey on my trip through Ukraine. Read blog

#FundReise Day 15 – Shelter
After the missile attack on Friday, Kyiv has quickly returned to normality. I have also resumed my blog activities. I recently visited a shelter for queer people in need run by our partner, KyivPride. It needs clear rules. Read blog

#FundReise Day 10 – Air alert
After the missile attack on Friday, Kyiv has quickly returned to normality. I have also resumed my blog activities. I recently visited a shelter for queer people in need run by our partner, KyivPride. It needs clear rules. Read blog

#FundReise Day 9 – Thank you
I have been in Ukraine for ten days now. And I understand that Russia’s war against Ukraine is a war against civilians, a war against everyone, and we have to support people. You, dear readers, have accompanied us on this journey so far with your attention and donations. Thank you! Read blog

#FundReise Day 8 – Odesa
I have spontaneously decided to go to Odesa. The city has recently been hit hard by Russian artillery. For months there might be problems with electricity, heating and hot water. How are people there? Read blog

#FundReise Day 7 – The invitation
Today I am visiting Gay Alliance Ukraine, one of the oldest LGBTIQ* organisations in the country. We have known them for many years now. But the war has changed everything. Read blog

#FundReise Day 6 – Darkness
I experience a first power cut, a routine for so many people here in Kyiv. I was just out shopping. I wrote this article at home, by candlelight and on my smartphone (!). Mobile internet works, Wifi doesn’t. Read blog

#FundReise Day 5 – Kyiv, from 6zh of December 2022
On my first day to Kyiv, I experience a huge air alert. This blog I wrote partly in the metro, whose stations serve as shelters for people. Read blog

#FundReise Day 2 – Poland, from 4th of December 2022
My journey takes me to Przemysl, on the border with Ukraine. In the municipal museum, I have just started immersing myself in some paintings when someone suddenly approaches me. Read blog

#FundReise Day 1 – Packing, from 3rd of December 2022
Ahead of me, I have more than 2,000 kilometres of a train journey, partly going through a war zone. And I’m supposed to pack 4 kilograms of biscuits? Read blog

#FundReise Day 0 – Longing, from 29th of November 2022
My name is Sibylle von Tiedemann, I am a historian and Slavicist, 48 years old, and on Thursday I will board the ICE 802 at the main station in Munich to start my journey to Kyiv. Read blog
This is how you can help
Individual help
Munich Kyiv Queer has its own fundraising campaign via www.paypal.me/ConradBreyer to support people in Ukraine with whom we have worked closely over the past ten years. Keyword: #FundReise. They are our friends and partners. We know them personally and we miss them. We can help fast, directly and unbureaucratically.
Hilfe für Kriegsopfer
The association “Bridge to Kiev” supports people in need, especially children and large families.
Recipient: Brücke nach Kiew e.V.
Bank: Raiffeisenbank München Süd eG
IBAN: DE74 7016 9466 0000 0199 50
Keyword: #FundTravel
A donation receipt can be issued for donations of 200 euros and more.
Help for LGBTIQ* organisations
To support LGBTIQ* in Ukraine we have helped set up the Alliance Queer Emergency Aid Ukraine, in which around 40 German LGBTIQ* Human Rights organisations are involved. All these groups have access to very different Human Rights organisations in Ukraine and use funds for urgently needed care or evacuation of queer people. Every donation helps and is used 100 percent to benefit queer people in Ukraine. Donate here
Questions? www.MunichKyivQueer.org/donations