“I cannot see any positive future”

Juri, normally, is a very balanced person. That is how he describes himself. The war affected him badly. The lack of perspectives and the disability to leave the country made him depressive.

Prior to the war, Jui worked as a translator, copywriter, SMM-Manager for environmental projects and local LGBTIQ*-initiatives. He’s a smart guy who took his chances, had a decent life.

But now he feels trapped.

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As a man aged between 18 to 60 he cannot leave the country. He has no regular income anymore and often feels lost.

In addition to his mental condition he has isssues with his spine. Over the last month he had to spend several hundred of dollars for an MRI examination and Juris expenditure list is not over.

He needs help, but tries to stay positive: “Many people in Ukraine will be grateful to our European friends for all the assistance. Thank you, guys, hope, it’s gonna be alright.”

Curated by: NGO “You are not alone”

Here is how you can support Ukrainian LGBTIQ*:

Individual help

Munich Kyiv Queer has its own fundraising campaign via www.paypal.me/ConradBreyer to support people in Ukraine with whom we have worked closely over the past ten years. They are our friends and partners. We know them personally and we miss them. We can help fast, directly and unbureaucratically.

Help for LGBTIQ* organisations

To support LGBTIQ* in Ukraine we have helped set up the Alliance Queer Emergency Aid Ukraine, in which around 40 German LGBTIQ* Human Rights organisations are involved. All these groups have access to very different Human Rights organisations in Ukraine and use funds for urgently needed care or evacuation of queer people. Every donation helps and is used 100 percent to benefit queer people in Ukraine. Donate here

Questions? www.MunichKyivQueer.org/donations

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