« Tell them about it! » A travelogue from Ukraine

Due to high demand we offer another lecture with Sibylle! On her charity trip through Ukraine, Sibylle von Tiedemann visited our friends and LGBTIQ* organisations in Kyiv, Odesa, Kharkiv and she was received with open arms. Sibylle has already talked about her trip at the lesbian community centre LeZ. On Wednesday, 29 March, at 7.30 pm, she now invites you to the gay community centre SUB, Müllerstraße 14. Join in!

At first it was just a vague idea, but it soon took shape. And then, end of November, Sibylle started her journey to Ukraine.

She went because she wanted to be there. With her friends, in the country she loves, in the city of Kyiv, which she had grown so fond of over the years.

Sibylle in front of tanks. In the background: Sofia Cathedral. Photo: Sibylle von Tiedemann

Sibylle also wanted to collect donations for Munich Kyiv Queer and the “Bridge for Kyiv”, an association that supports people in need, especially children and large families who have not much of an income.

Donors can win wine, coffee and toilet paper from Ukraine

In the end, she stayed for over a month. At the gay-queer centre SUB, Müllerstraße 14, she will give a new lecture on her journey on Wednesday, 29 March, starting at 7.30 pm. Her first event in February was well attended; not all those interested were able to participate. That is why she is going to show photos and videos and talk about her experiences again. The evening will be moderated by Conrad Breyer, spokesperson for Munich Kyiv Queer.

Warm invitation! Flyer: Stanislav Mishchenko

Among donors – the goal was to collect 18,000 euros, nearly 14,000 we got so far – we will raffle off souvenirs from Ukraine, such as craft wine from Odesa, toilet paper with Putin’s portrait and coffee with the popular slogan of a Ukrainian soldier who refused to surrender with his troops on Snake Island. He said: “Russian warship, f… you!”

Sibylle has been to Ukraine many times in recent years. Munich Kyiv Queer exists since 2012 and Sibylle co-founded the group. For several years she also was a spokesperson. We campaign for the Human Rights of LGBTIQ* people in Munich’s twin city Kyiv and beyond. Sibylle has often accompanied the group during their activities, for example at KyivPride.

At the railway station in Kyiv. Despite the war, the trains run on time. Photo: Sibylle von Tiedemann

But Sibylle is a PhD Slavicist and historian, too. As a research assistant for the NS Documentation Centre in Munich, she interviewed former Ostarbeiter who were deported to Munich for forced labour during the Nazi era.

In 2018, she co-edited the memorial book for Munich victims of the National Socialist “euthanasia” murders. It was a milestone in her work about this forgotten group of victims.


Sibylle prepared her trip very acurateley. She talked to experts and friends who really appreciated her travel plans. She was warmly welcomed by people in Ukraine. Sibylle reported on her personal observations in a well-received blog, which can be read here.

The stories she wrote are touching. Queer people suffer particularly as a vulnerable group in the war. But the blog also tells of courage, creative protest and a spirit of optimism in a country terrorised by Putin’s troops.

She sees her travelogue as a mission

She says: “I couldn’t bear to watch the misery from afar, to send a little heart via Facebook here, to post a #StandWithUkraine there, to transfer money.”

Sibylle in front of destroyed houses in Kharkiv. Photo: Sibylle von Tiedemann

In Kharkiv, a young Ukrainian woman showed her houses where people had lived until recently. They were totally destroyed. “Tell them about this in Germany,” she begged her. Sibylle understands this as a mission.

When: Wednesday, 29th of March, 7.30 p.m.
Where: SUB, Müllerstraße 14, Munich
Contact: info@MunichKyivQueer.org
Organized by: Munich Kyiv Queer, SUB, CSD München, Cultural Department of the City of Munich

This is how you can help

INDIVIDUAL HELP Munich Kyiv Queer has its own fundraising campaign via www.paypal.me/ConradBreyer to support people in Ukraine who need help and are not organised in the local LGBTIQ*-groups. We can help fast, directly and unbureaucratically.

HELP FOR LGBTIQ* ORGANISATIONS To support LGBTIQ* in Ukraine we have helped set up the Alliance Queer Emergency Aid Ukraine, in which around 40 German LGBTIQ* Human Rights organisations are involved. All these groups have access to very different Human Rights organisations in Ukraine and use funds for urgently needed care or evacuation of queer people. Every donation helps and is used 100 percent to benefit queer people in Ukraine. Donate here

Questions? www.MunichKyivQueer.org/donations

HOUSING FOR QUEER REFUGEES FROM UKRAINE LGBTIQ* often have seen discrimination in their lifes, therefore queer refugees are particularly vulnerable. Many are traumatised and now they experience re-traumatisation on the run. We want to offer them a home where they feel comfortable and can live without fear. Depending on availability, we rent two-, three-, four- or five-room flats and sublet them to people in need as shared flats. Our association does not have any funding yet, so we depend on donations. For example, we have to advance rent and deposits until the State’s job centres step in.

Donate here:
Münchner Bank eG
IBAN DE16 7019 0000 0003 1425 66
Munich Queer Homes e.V.

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