“With Love from Ukraine” – Chronicle from Kherson

“Lesbians from Ukraine share their stories. They are true, but staged by the activists Anastasiia and Svetlana of the lesbian-feminist theatre ЖИВА_я (zhiva_ja)”.

This was the announcement of Munich Kyiv Queer and the Lesbenkulturtage (Lesbian Culture Days) for a theatre performance at the Eine Welt Haus in 2015. Long time ago.

The lesbian-feminist theatre ЖИВА_я (zhiva_ja) in Munich 2015. Photo: Stas Mishchenko.

The two women still live in Kherson. Now they write from within the war: Kherson is under Russian occupation. We are allowed to publish excerpts of their chronicle from Facebook.

Life in danger

They will personally thank Munich’s community for the donations we have sent to Kherson. When peace is restored. Now the two are not only in danger as Ukrainians, but also as lesbians. As activists, they are helping people on the ground.

If you want to support our help for the Ukrainian LGBTIQ* community, please donate. Your funds will arrive, we promise!

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Here are excerpts from Anastasiia’s and Svetlana’s blog:

Day 8

“I would like to thank our brave volunteers and people from all over the world who are looking for different ways to help Kherson and the people of Ukraine.

It is not just about money. It’s a sign of compassion, it’s a form of resistance.”

Day 11

“For half a day we had no contact with our relatives. But we continue our resistance and help those who need support. We are considering working at night because the connections are better after 10pm.”

Day 13

“There are people who are receiving help from outside for the first time in their lives. They cry because the world has not turned its back on them in these dark times.”

Day 14

“Relatives, friends, acquaintances are under attack. Some for more than a week.

In these odd moments, the most important thing is to know that there is someone thinking of us, remembering, waiting, wanting to be with us, doing everything and more to make a difference.”

Day 18

“The previous night was tough again. But Kherson is part of Ukraine. People show every day that they want to live in a free Ukraine.”

Day 20

“Kherson is suffering from the Russian occupation that has led to a humanitarian crisis in many villages. People are forced to hide in basements, destroyed houses, without electricity, water, heating and food.”

Day 21

“I can’t get it into my head that Ukraine has been on fire for three weeks now. Despite war, grief, pain, death, destruction, people believe in victory. There is hope that the country will be reborn, will soon be freer. And so it will be.”

Day 24

“Ukraine is fighting for its existence, independence, freedom, values and the lives of free people. What was heard, read, seen in films about our grandparents is now happening again.

Our volunteers listen to the families, most of whom live without light, food, water or medicine. Some have asked for help for the first time in their lives.

We believe that such support not only gives hope, but also strengthens faith in humanity.”

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