FundReise Day 9 – Thank you!

Sibylle has been in Ukraine for ten days now. She was in Kyiv, Odesa, she visited our partners and friends, made her own experiences with the war. She understands that Russia’s war against Ukraine is a war against civilians, a war against everyone, and we have to support people. The winter will be terribly hard. And you, dear readers, have accompanied us on this journey so far with your attention and donations. Thank you so much!

This is the blog of Sibylle von Tiedemann, co-founder of Munich Kyiv Queer. She no longer wanted to just watch what’s happening in Ukraine and travelled there. She visits our friends and partners, writes this blog and collects donations.

Power: off (Surprise. Not)
Temperature: warm at heart
Donations: 7018,67 out of 18.000 euros
Special occurences: You!
All blog posts: Sibylle’s Charity Trip to Ukraine

Once again, I didn’t manage to provide for the evening’s power cuts. There is no electricity, no internet.

Sibylle on 14th of December 2022 in Kyiv. Photo: Sibylle von Tiedemann

On my iPad I started writing two posts for my blog, but I cannot get a connection. I got mobile internet on my smartphone, though, but I have no access to my stories on this device, ironically. Outside it’s dark, icy and slippery. I don’t want to go out anymore.

This blog – I write it for you. And for myself. To process this war. It’s an intense experience.

A war is being waged against civilians here

War against Olha, a sports enthusiast. Against Olha’s boss, who offered me a book about the history of Ukraine. Against Olha’s boulder friend Vanya, who told me about the catacombs. War against the friendly receptionist in Odesa. Against Sasha from Kharkiv, who runs a coffee shop in Kyiv. Against Lena who thinks I’m brave.

It’s a war against Edward and his cat Kaja, who share their flat with me. Against the elderly people dancing in the Teatralnaya metro station. It is such a joy for everybody. Against the woman behind the cash desk who notes down product numbers in the dark. Against the children who endured the sirens in the metro’s bunker this morning.

It is a war against all

And that’s where you come in. You, dear readers, motivate me, us, them! You, dear donors, help people to survive.

Without our support from the Western countries, Ukraine stands no chance. Not in winter.

It is dark here, and cold.

No people, no Ukraine.

Thank you!

Thank you for being with us, for being a company with #FundReise. Thank you for not looking away.

Sibylle marching for MunichPride in July 2022. Photo: MKQ

#FundReise #MunichKyivLove #18000 Euro

Sibylle collects money for

Individual help

Munich Kyiv Queer has its own fundraising campaign via to support people in Ukraine with whom we have worked closely over the past ten years. Keyword: #FundReise. They are our friends and partners. We know them personally and we miss them. We can help fast, directly and unbureaucratically.

Help for War Victims

The association “Bridge to Kiev” supports people in need, especially children and large families.

Recipient: Brücke nach Kiew e.V.
Bank: Raiffeisenbank München Süd eG
IBAN: DE74 7016 9466 0000 0199 50
Keyword: #FundReise

A donation receipt can be issued for donations of 200 euros and more.

Help for LGBTIQ* organisations

To support LGBTIQ* in Ukraine we have helped set up the Alliance Queer Emergency Aid Ukraine, in which around 40 German LGBTIQ* Human Rights organisations are involved. All these groups have access to very different Human Rights organisations in Ukraine and use funds for urgently needed care or evacuation of queer people. Every donation helps and is used 100 percent to benefit queer people in Ukraine. Donate here


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