The EMU Edinburgh Munich Ukraine Three City Sports Challenge

The EMU Edinburgh Munich Ukraine Three City Challenge fesat. Stas Mishchenko

Do you want to keep moving this winter? But you need a bit of extra motivation to #BeatLockdownLethargy? We at Munich Kyiv Queer are running a “Three City Challenge” with our friends from LEAP Sports in Edinburgh, and invite you to take part. More EMU? If you like to sing, click here.

Everything goes!

By running our Three City Challenge, we want to support our community through these difficult lockdown times. Since our sports fields, fitness studios and swimming pools were closed due to Corona, many of us have been cut off from the places we train and the people we train with.

On top of this, the physical distancing measures mean that we’re meeting up with fewer friends, less frequently.

For the sake of our physical and mental health as individuals, as well as for our cohesion as a community, we are convinced that it’s never been more essential for us to help each other to #KeepMoving #StayMotivated and #GetConnected.

Everyone join in!

The challenge is designed for everyone: for all types of sport, exercise, and activity, from athletics to zumba, ballet to yoyo-ing, over curling, kettlebells and quidditch, at all ability levels. You really don’t need to be fit, sporty or active to join and take part, because you set the task and the bar, and the challenge is to stick at it and keep going.

The EMU is the mascot of the Three City Challenge after the initials of Edinburgh, Munich and Ukraine. The bird can run really fast. Graphics: Stanislav Mishchenko

Maybe you want to do a Couch to 5k, or maybe you just want to get up off the couch at least once a day! Maybe you want to try out a different online workout each week, or maybe your goal is simply to exercise regularly.

It’s all very simple. Here’s how it works:

  • Sign up by filling out the form here  
  • Join our private facebook group (we’ll invite you to join once you’ve signed up) or follow our instagram account mkq_sport
  • Tell us what you plan to do for the challenge
  • Stick at it from February 1 (or whenever you join) until the end of April 
  • Keep us up to speed about your progress by sending us a post or a picture once a week.

In order to help us all stay motivated, we’re inviting members of the LGBTIQ*-community in the three sister-cities Munich, Kyiv and Edinburgh to take part, complete the challenge together and support each other as a virtual community.

Calories for a win

Of course, if you live elsewhere but still want to join in, you’re welcome too.

Everyone who sends in at least eight posts to our Facebook group or Instagram channel before the end of the challenge will receive a specially designed certificate and be entered into a draw to receive a prize of themed goodies from the three cities.

When: 1 February to 30 April 2021
Organised by: LEAP Sports, CSD Munich, Munich Kyiv Queer, Cultural Department of the City of Munich

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