
September 2019: Rainbow Families

22.09.2019 | cb — No comments

The social pedagogue, author and activist Stephanie Gerlach (photo) has been coaching and lecturing  on same-sex lifestyles for 25 years now; rainbow families are her main focus. Gerlach has published three books, each with several editions, and numerous specialist articles on the subject. She co-founded the LesMamas association and since 2013 has helped to build the Munich Rainbow Family Centre, which opened in 2017. In Kyiv we present her handbook on rainbow families, explain how LGBT can become parents, what it is like to be parents and LGBT, how to survive homo- and trans*-phobia as a rainbow family. To this end, we have had Gerlach’s work translated into Russian to make the book accessible to LGBT people throughout Eastern Europe and Central Asia. Stephanie Gerlach travels to Kyiv to present the book in person. Registration here.

When: Saturday, 28th of September 2019, 8 p.m.
Where: Kyiv, Ukraine
Contact: Olena Semenova
Organizers: LIGA, CSD Munich, Munich Kyiv Queer, Cultural Department of the City of Munich

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