Press Releases

pdf 5.02.2019 “SUBURBIA, ME!”
The life of a gay teacher in Kyiv’s suburbia.

pdf 19.08.2018 “Activists from Munich supported Pride March for LGBTQ Families in Ukraine!”
Over 150 LGBT people and allies held a Pride March in Odesa, the biggest city in the South of Ukraine.

pdf 27.06.2014 “Munich’s mayor supports KyivPride?”
Munich’s City Council again is officially supporting the “CSD” in its partner town of Kiev. KyivPride will be held from 30th June until 6th July in Kiev. Members of the Munich scene along with councillor Lydia Dietrich will be going along.

pdf 29.01.2014 “Gay Propaganda – How gay is Batman?”

As part of the twinning of Kiev and Munich, Naomi Lawrence presents the exhibition “Gay Propaganda” in Kiev Karas Gallery and the Munich gay community center Sub from 14th until 21st February (Kiev) and from 3rd until 26th February in Munich. The exhibition is being opened simultaneously in both cities with live transmission between them. The organizers expect the artist herself, the all-girl Munich-based rock band QueenBaba and the councillor Lydia Dietrich at the opening event on the 14th February.

pdf 10.08.2013 “Happy birthday, happy protest” 

Activists demonstrate against Vladimir Putin’s homophobic politics in front of Russia’s Consulate in Munich and during a Gay Street Festival. With kind of a transformation machine, Munich’s LGBT-community and supporters want to make the President of Russia a better man – just by playing. The rules are simple: You win if you place five objects with good wishes into Putin’s empty head.

pdf 16.07.2013 “Mayor of Munich welcomes LGBT-activists from Kyiv” 

Hep Monatzeder, Mayor of the City of Munich, received four LGBT-activists from Munich’s twin city Kyiv in his office. Olena Semenova, Taras Karasiichuk, Stanislav Mishchenko and Voldoymyr Naumenko, human rights activists fighting for the rights of Lesbians, Gays, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) in their country, are guests of Munich Pride. The cooperation between both cities and the respective LGBT-communities, Monatzeder pointed out, was really important for the Human Rights’ movement in Ukraine.

pdf 31.01.2013 “Lord Mayor of Munich welcomes LGBT-activist Stanislav Mishchenko” 

Christian Ude, Lord Mayor of the city of Munich, received Stanislav Mishchenko in the City Council. Mishchenko, human rights activist fighting for the rights of Lesbians, Gays, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) in his country, is guest of Munich’s LGBT-community. The cooperation between both cities, he says, is really important for this social group in Ukraine.

pdf 6.10.2012 “Kyiv’s twin city Munich protests against anti-gay law” 

Munich and Kyiv are twin cities. Bavaria‘s capital now protests against deputies’ voting in favour of law 8711 on 2 October 2012. It would ban information about homosexuality on every level. Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) groups say this act is violating fundamental human rights. Second reading of the law is planned for 16 October 2012.

pdf 6.10.2012 “Statement (against anti-gay law)” 

pdf 1.10.2012 “Munich’s LGBT groups support Kyiv” 

Munich and Kyiv are working together. Lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) communities of the two cities seek to coordinate their activities and support each other. A contact-group is forming which will establish of a cooperation as part of the city-partnership.


  • MLC München
  • melodiva
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  • daneben
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  • team münchen
  • insideout munich e.V.
  • forum homosexualität münchen
  • isarhechte muenchen
  • CSD München
  • LeTra Lesbenberatungsstelle
  • münchner aids-hilfe
  • FGU
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  • philhomoniker
  • Queergottesdienst
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  • RegenbogenChor
  • Münchner Regenbogenstlftung
  • Gay Alliance Ukraine
  • LiGA
  • Megaphone
  • Tepro
  • TransMann e.V.
  • Точка Опори
  • Gender.Z
  • Sphera
  • Aufklärungsprojekt München
  • Bayerischer Jugendring
  • Diversity München
  • Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung Kyjiw
  • Les Mamas
  • Queer Film Festival München
  • LesKult
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  • Deutsche Botschaft
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  • Llilamunde
  • Deutsche Eiche
  • You are not alone
  • Fach- und Beratungsstelle Regenbogenfamilien
  • Queeres Netzwerk Bayern
  • LSVD Bayern
  • Positive Ukrainer in Deutschland
  • BürgerStiftung München
  • Drag Voyage