Video as weapon of social warrior: How to promote equal rights with video advertisement

Nothing touches, nothing moves a human being more intensely than movies. To find out what’s a matter to you, define messages, to tell the own story and put it emotionally in a video – that is what we learn from this theory-workshop about social video advertisment. For many years, Yuri Yourski works as trainer for Human Rights, especially in the field of LGBTI. Today, he cares for advocacy issues of the Eurasian Coalition on Male Healthin ECOM in Tallinn, Estonia, and is member of Munich Kyiv Queer. Showing examples from East and West he teaches us how to fight for the good cause using videos and how to overcome prejudices. How to find allies, to unite different target groups and to lead a dialogue among each other. Everyone can learn these techniques and work with it. In English, translation into German. Back to overview