“Everything is very, very complicated”

Last time we heard Marta, she was way more confident. Now the mother of a two-year-old seems to be simply exhausted. The NGO “You are not alone” asked her how she is today. The answer: Eight months of war, no income and still she needs to take care of her daugther.

Marta tries hard to be there for her daughter. She even gave up working – as she cannot afford the private kindergartens and state ones are not working any more.

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You know Marta from May 2022 when she was sending greetings to Germany’s LGBTIQ* community. It was a statement for hope.

She still wants to believe that Ukraine will win the war against r*ssia and everything will be fine, but right now she needs money for clothes, food and hygiene articles. “Unfortunately, we don’t receive state social help that’s why everything is very, very complicated.”

Here is how you can help Marta:

Individual help

Munich Kyiv Queer has its own fundraising campaign via www.paypal.me/ConradBreyer to support people in Ukraine with whom we have worked closely over the past ten years. They are our friends and partners. We know them personally and we miss them. We can help fast, directly and unbureaucratically.

Help for LGBTIQ* organisations

To support LGBTIQ* in Ukraine we have helped set up the Alliance Queer Emergency Aid Ukraine, in which around 40 German LGBTIQ* Human Rights organisations are involved. All these groups have access to very different Human Rights organisations in Ukraine and use funds for urgently needed care or evacuation of queer people. Every donation helps and is used 100 percent to benefit queer people in Ukraine. Donate here

Questions? www.MunichKyivQueer.org/donations

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