Charity Bar Evening

It’s supposed to be a regular evening at the Sub. With beer and bubbles, a chat at the bar and nice music. Let’s have fun, but it’s not that easy these days.

The war in Ukraine, unleashed by Putin’s army, claims thousands of dead and injured, millions leave the bombed cities. And especially queer people are in need.

Many stay and fight, yes, others help. But quite a few are suffering, having no income any more or lost their homes. Fleeing is often the last option. As a vulnerable group, LGBTIQ* have always been under stress – even more so in a military conflict that brings so much threat.

The gay community centre Sub is therefore organising a benefit evening on Sunday, 10th of April, from 7pm (photo: Bethel Fath, graphics: Frank Zuber) and collecting money for queer people in and from Ukraine. We say thank you!

Let’s talk!

Members of Munich Kyiv Queer and guests from Ukraine take over the bar. This has become a tradition, as the photo above shows. Kostya was one of the LGBTIQ* activists from Ukraine who participated in our first workshop on volunteering in the community in 2014. Long time ago.

Let’s talk: We have a lot to tell you about.

When: Sunday, 10th of April, 7 pm
Where: Gay community centre Sub, Müllerstraße 14, 80469 Munich
Organised by: Sub, Munich Kyiv Queer

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