August 2019: OdesaPride and Q-Fest

Friends for life. As every year we support OdesaPride, which is organized by the NGO Gay Alliance Ukraine. A small Munich delegation has always been participating in the “March of Equality”. This year, it will be much bigger as many LGBTI* activists from Munich will attend Q-Fest, the LGBTI* choir festival in Odesa, in which Monadessa takes part, our project choir for Odesa. It all happens at the same time. So, end of August there will stay around 50 people from Bavaria in Odesa. What a huge success! See the program When: Tuesday, 27th of August, until Sunday, 1st of September 2019 Where: Odesa, Ukraine Contact: Stefan Block, Olena Hanich Organized by: CSD München, Gay Alliance Ukraine, Munich Kyiv Queer, Cultural Department of the City of Munich Back to overview