Beer ’n‘ Chill, German-Ukrainian Oktoberfest

Munich Kyiv Queer’s mentoring programme invites you: On Monday, 25 September, starting at 7 pm, we want to combine Ukrainian with Bavarian traditions during a bar evening at the lesbian-queer centre LeZ – with Ukrainian beer and snacks.

Everyone is welcome who wants to meet people from Ukraine or Germany and celebrate together.

Creating perspectives, making friends

Why are we doing this? After 18 months of war, our friends are looking for perspectives in order to make a living here. To do so, they need to get in touch with people who speak German and understand how the local society works.

We don’t just offer them a roof (in German: DACH) to survive. We offer a safe space to find help and orientation. Nobody’s left behind.

When Monday, 25 September, 7 pm
Where: Lesbian-queer centre LeZ, Müllerstraße 26
Organised by: Munich Kyiv Queer, Mentoring programme DACH

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